

7 Bad Reasons for Refinancing Your Mortgage

A home refinance loan means you can borrow money from your home’s accumulated equity. However, you shouldn’t refinance your mortgage for random reasons. Let’s discuss when you shouldn’t refinance your mortgage. Bad Reasons to Refinance Your Mortgage Consider the following reasons why you should hesitate to pursue a refinance loan. For consolidating debt Using your mortgage to refinance for a

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How can You Get a Commercial Mortgage While You Are Self-Employed?

Getting a commercial mortgage while you are self-employed can be extremely difficult. Even if you have all the documentation, a lender asks for; they may still turn you down. If you want to buy a home, your work is cut out for you. The key is to know what you are financially capable of and then gather all of the

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Understanding Mortgage Rates Prediction in 2023

The economy is a significant factor in mortgage rates and how easy it is for a potential buyer to get a loan for a home. Since so many things work together to influence the economy, predicting the future is like figuring out which person through a specific penny in a wishing well. It’s just not that easy. The best way

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A Quick Guide to Reverse Mortgage: What You Need to Know

Are you running out of your retirement savings or looking for supplementary income late in life? This reverse mortgage guide explains how taking out a loan against your home equity may provide the cash you urgently need. Keep reading to learn more. What is a Reverse Mortgage? A reverse mortgage is typically a type of loan available to homeowners who

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Why You Should Buy an Investment Property During the Holidays?

You’ve probably considered purchasing a commercial building or other rental real estate as a way to grow your wealth. However, if you want to buy an investment property, you should get the timing right. The months of November and December tend to bring some of the best real estate bargains you could ever dream of. Here are some reasons to

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How to Avoid Commercial Mortgage Fraud

The rate of mortgage fraud has declined over the last decade, as per the United States Sentencing Commission. In fact, the most recent report, dated August 2022, indicates that the number of mortgage fraud offenders has gone down by 69.9% since the 2017 fiscal year. While this is a positive report, the commercial mortgage fraud scheme is still active, so

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Simple Tips That Will Help Close a Deal in Real Estate Efficiently

A real estate agent has to go through several phases to successfully complete a deal, including finding a potential seller, marketing the property, communicating with the buyer, fixing prices, etc. Among these, the most difficult part is negotiating the amount and finalizing the deal. That is why Fidelity Mortgage Lenders, Inc. is sharing some tips to help you close the

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Investing in Commercial Real Estate Vs Residential

The commercial real estate vs residential property debate is as relevant today as it’s been for decades. Both investment options allow you to expand your portfolio, qualify for tax benefits, and pursue financial freedom. Still, it’s not easy to choose between CRE and RRE especially if you don’t have sufficient knowledge of the industry. Deciding whether commercial properties are better

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How Fidelity’s Flexible Loans Came to an Engineer’s Rescue – Mortgage Deal Story

There’s no doubt that personalized lending can drive long-term success for any commercial property or non-owner occupied real estate business. Our deal stories are a living testimony to this—demonstrating how quick and flexible Fidelity loan options enable property owners and investors to achieve consistent growth. By always tailoring mortgage products and trust deed investing solutions to the needs of our

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